With such a tumultuous year in the US, many Americans are feeling the pressure in keeping hold of their jobs and maintaining stability. Unemployment seems to be ever increasing, and sometimes finding a new job is extremely difficult. What do you do if you find yourself terminated from your current job? Or worse yet, what if it was a wrongful termination? Where do you turn to ensure justice is done and you are protected? You may need help from an employment attorney to get the facts and help get you back on your feet.
What Is Not a Wrongful Termination?
You may not have a wrongful termination if your employer fires you for:
- Minor issues, such as coming into work late
- Refusing to accept a different job or relocating
- Personality disputes between you and your manager
- Refusing to sign non-disclosure agreements or incomplete agreements
- Reporting bad (but not illegal) behavior of a manager or coworker
- Performance issues or any other fault of you as an employee
Also keep in mind that a lot of states are currently At-Will Employment, which means employers can fire employees at any time for any reason, but not for an illegal reason. And employers are not required to give you a reason for firing you if they are at-will. If an employer also has to do a mass lay-off, goes out of business, or has to reduce their number of staff, that is also a separate, non-wrongful termination on the part of the company.
What Does Constitute a Wrongful Termination?
Simply put, a wrongful termination is when a company fires or lays off an employee for illegal reasons. Most often, you may be able to determine if it was wrongful termination by looking through your employee contract for any specific termination clauses. Finding contractual violations within your paperwork may be the easiest way. If you have been let go due to an employer’s:
- Violation of oral and written employment agreements
- Form of sexual harassment through firing
- Violation of federal or state anti-discrimination laws, or any labor laws
- Form of retaliation for your having filed a complaint or claim against your employer
- Violation of civil rights, such as needing medical or family leave, or Military duty
Violating anti-discrimination laws is a large, encompassing variety of personal identifications which employers may target. Most wrongful termination cases involve some type of discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of age, sex, ethnic background, race, religion, pregnancy, or disability can all be causes of wrongful termination, and you as an employee are protected through the federal and state anti-discrimination laws.
If you believe any of the above reasons are the cause of you being fired, you may have cause to seek an employment attorney and provide proof of your case.
Where Do I Go to Seek Justice?
The law offices of Mark J. Berkowitz in Fort Lauderdale can help. With over 20 years of experience, Mark J. Berkowitz provides the legal assistance you need to navigate through all the labor and employment laws to give you justice for your wrongful termination. Our law offices take a hands-on approach to your case, providing strategies and decisions based on your specific, individual circumstances.